"> Zcrypt.live
Mobirise Website Creator

Zcrypt.live - Featuring Hush, Zcash, Zclassic and Zencash pools.

0.75% pool maintenance fee - Starting September 1st.

No registration required. Your wallet address is your ID.

Secure your miners. SSL ports available for each coin.

PPLNT share payouts...The longer you stay the better it pays.

Balances of 0.1+ tiggered every 60 minutes.

On average block payout occur around 140 confirms. 100 confirms to protect from orphaned blocks and double spending attacks. 30 confirms for sheilding to Secure payout + about 10 confirms for payout timer to trigger payout.

Compatibale Miner Software:
Links at bottom


Hush Coin pool, Komodo pool, Zclassic pool and Zencash pool. 

  1. There is no need to submit identification to this site. Your Wallet address is enough.
  2. We have lowered the rates of normal pool fees starting September 1st 2017 pool fees will be 0.75%
  3. The PPLNT payout system assures that miners that work get paid for their efforts in mining the block.
  4. True this pool is not as big as some pools, which means that payouts will be longer apart and of greater value. Patience is the key.

Examples of start.bat 

Remember to put your wallet address in correctly, Invalid addresses will not get paid..

This is an Example of Claymore 12.5 connecting to Zcrypt.live mining pool on SSL port: 3131. 

 ZecMiner64.exe -zpool stratum+tls://zcrypt.live:3131 -zwal t1PtynTQz6DtBB3fKCLvjfobE8ZehQgq9PT.Claymore -zpsw x

Thi is an Example of EWBF 0.3.4b on port:3031 (Non SSL port) remember to change ports for SSL second port listed on each coin is the SSL port.

miner --server zcrypt.live --user t1PtynTQz6DtBB3fKCLvjfobE8ZehQgq9PT --pass x --port 3031 --cuda_devices 0 1 2 3

Mining pool